Hatmill marks World Duchenne Awareness Day with donation to Muscular Dystrophy UK

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Hatmill has donated 1% of its profits to five deserving charities, chosen by the team.

In the first blog shining a spotlight on the charities we’re supporting this financial year, Fiona Macpherson, shares more about the charity she put forward: Muscular Dystrophy UK on World Duchenne Awareness Day. Fiona nominated the charity because she has seen how MDUK has supported her friend Susie and her son, Joe, after he was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) at the age of 4.


What is muscular dystrophy?

The muscular dystrophies are a group of rare conditions that gradually cause muscles to weaken and waste. They are usually inherited and are caused by changes (mutations) in the genes which are responsible for the structure and function of our muscles.

Muscular dystrophies are progressive conditions. This means they will worsen over time. Currently, there is no cure for muscular dystrophy. However, advances are being made in research to find effective treatments. In the last ten years, Muscular Dystrophy UK has invested £55m in research making advancements that would have been unthinkable ten years ago.

For over 60 years, Muscular Dystrophy UK has been building a  community of people living with muscle wasting or weakening conditions, their families and carers, scientists, health professionals, supporters, volunteers, and donors. Hatmill’s donation will support the charity’s aim of changing the future of muscle wasting conditions.

World Duchenne Awareness Day – 7 September

World Duchenne Awareness day is marked on 7 September and the 2024 theme is ‘Raise your voice for Duchenne’, supporting creating a society that provides equal opportunities for all. Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophy are rare genetic diseases defined by muscle weakness. People born with Duchenne and Becker need care from many specialists throughout their lives. They are just two of the conditions, which together make up the group of muscular dystrophies.

Susanne Driffield, regional fundraiser at Muscular Dystrophy UK and Joe’s mum said:

“I cannot thank Hatmill Ltd. enough for their generous donation, it will make a incredible difference to the work we do and help us continue our work to find treatments and a cure for people like my son Joe living with a muscle wasting condition.

Beating muscular dystrophy is a huge challenge requiring a collective effort, but there has never been a more positive time for research. Thank you”

Hatmill charities for 2024/2025

The five charities were put forward by team members and individuals voted as to which ones they wanted to support. The unanimous team decision was to support the charities below:

  • Muscular Dystrophy UK
  • The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association
  • The Queen’s Nursing Institute
  • Fareshare
  • Pause

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